Pepsi Man's tech & nonsense blog
17 April 2019
Recently, for the most part of last month I have been experimenting with the Santander Mini-123 current account! Needless to say, it is extremely awesome! I can go out with my friends, purchase music online without the hassle of hounding a parent for THEIR debit card - giving them cash and then working out how much I owe them.
I like the independence of being able to buy the hit single 'I ran' by A Flock of Seagulls on a non-DRM protected website at any time, or supporting my favourite bands via Bandcamp. Basically - I like being able to manage my own money, I can see I've got 50p at any time from anywhere, as long as I have my phone and I'm not using unsecured Public-WiFi.
Also means family members - (within reason, we all have that one who gives you coppers) - can transfer any pocket/spending money they wish to give me rather than having the carry about cash all the time. This ties in well with Google Pay - a beloved convienience of mine, not even needing the debit card with me although on the off-chance its over £30 you can use the chip & pin functionality.
Furthermore, Santander are very good with your security sending out SMS OTPs (One Time Passcodes) if you are making a transaction online to verify your identity. I might talk more about this topic in the future - though all in all - if you're a responsible teen and wish to manage your own money, you can.
I have a Santander Mini-123 Current Account, you can apply online like I did :3
16th April 2019
As you know my friend rlxde is trying to sell an Xbox One. I'm trying to sell an HP Stream 11, however that's beside the point. I have found an obscene amount of eBay scammers during this period of time.
So you don't get caught out - we're going to go through all their nonsense right now. First off: something they might try is to get you outside of eBay.
For example, when this happened to me the "woman" couldn't format her number in a proper UK format and responded like I owed her something.
She likely wanted to sway me away for eBay's communication platform so she can take payment outside of eBay then scam me by saying she never received the item or some shit
16th April 2019
I became a moderator in the CazOSX discord, and also founded the Alureon Discord. I've done a lot of work on my own things, and catching up on everything. I also haven't slept well for 3 days. Feeling tired.
Just now, I finished creating a semi-functional, somewhat interesting Blog (i.e this one) which I've been putting off, but I feel is worth it.
I plan to finally create some videos, but I unfortunately have not gotten the time, or motivation for it yet. However, I did buy a new phone case from an AMAZON Locker. It looks fucking awesome.
My friend's cat Blackjack, who's been with him since my birth, died on 12/18/2018. RIP his little guardian cat Blackjack. His spirit remains in Saffee, as he taught her how to behave like a good cat, like him. December sucked ass, and I'm glad it's over.
Meanwhile, the No Nut 19 discord argued for about half an hour on if nutting in a lucid dream counts as failing No Nut 19. The final verdict, as decided by JD_Bus, was that it counts as a failure.
Yesterday, I'm got a package with a birthday present for my Grandad delivered to an Amazon locker that a family member has wrapped up for me. I found I had 80£ left in my bank account, which I wholehearted plan on saving, (an issue I face is that I cannot easily save). Just fixing my problems makes me feel successful, and more positive, really.
I have had issues with depression this month, and also, before December of last year. That's another annoying issue that others typically don't get.
I've kind of copied the style of writing "blank" uses, and also I use the same platform as it seems relatively easy to configure and get going.
Currently sipping on a pint of Irn Bru...
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